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With all the potential escalation of war against Russia and/or China, I have seen many more cases of skepticism of nuclear bombs.

If these skeptics are correct, the US empire is really, really screwed. Because that means we only have conventional warfare to fall back on to fight, and we are woefully unprepared to fight a country (ore more than one) that can fight back.

And if we have been bluffing this whole time, it will be one hell of a bluff call.

Third World Countries don't make Third World People
Third World People make Third World Countries

huh….he left his, “chain and locket”, you say? Hmmm.. That’s crazy, you girls usually have great taste in knowing what men you should let inseminate you within 3 hours of meeting.

The idea that having women into the workplace is some sort of capitalist plot is just a silly premise. Think about a lot of the jobs that women are employed at. Make work, email sending, bullshit work. What benefit does that bring to a business? Nothing really. An evil capitalist would not benefit from this.

But someone else benefits by having women in the workplace. Can you guess who that is? The entity that gets extra tax dollars as a result of more women working, the government itself.

There are people out there who think they can take you in a fight, @Humpleupagus

I would be curious to see who exactly these people are, considering that there is device called an elephant gun, which implies that a regular gun is not enough to do the job. Because a regular gun is not enough. So what hope would you have bare handed?

Got a real mystery on my hands. I am up about 5 pounds on my weight (not too much but I can see the numbers on the scale). However, I have not only been able to do the same number of pullups, but I even got a new PR. And I highly doubt the weight gain was all muscle.

So I am still puzzled, but happy that at least I am not falling off in that exercise.

Love it when girls do the “uh I totally GET boys just like you think you ‘get’ us girls. Except I totally do”

The only women I’ve met who can somewhat mentally model the male mind are old mothers in hard lines of work, like a 58 yo paramedic with 4 sons

@ArdainianRight A defining trait of "Liberal Christians" is that they believe that leftist atheists who hate Jesus are more Christ-like than actual Christians.
if evidence surfaced that the nuclear accidents of the 80s were caused by sabotage, to poison public sentiment against nuclear power, I wouldn't be surprised at all

it was just so convenient for the plans of our rulers

Self-awareness: 0

I don't know how else you can say ending permanent alimony erodes the institution of marriage when these women already did that when they divorced their husbands.

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This is the problem with trying to appeal to any fringe voters. Their support will evaporate the moment you enact a policy that appeals to your core base. Though I doubt that many "Republican" women are turning to the other side for this exact policy, this principle can be extrapolated for all women and all the other laws that we should not have.

Just how many stupid laws are allowed to remain just so that "we just need to win one more election" keeps happening?

The reason the regime is so assblasted by the success of the El Salvador crackdown is that it proves that crime isn’t an inevitable fact of life.

Liberal democracy would rather you get shanked to death by some MS 13 goblin than keep the streets safe. In fact that’s a feature, not a bug of Zog

Yes, someone can just inherit an already successful business or cheat using steroids. But the envious ones will assume because they are either unwilling or unable to replicate the success they see in others, they assume it is impossible to do without cheating.

Ultimately, it shows they are unwilling to do the work themselves and would "cheat" themselves if they thought they could do so without negative consequences.

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What does having success in business and being able to lift heavy at the gym have in common? Both cause envious people to be upset that they are not currently doing as well as the person who built themselves up over a long period of time.

Those same envious people are unable to grasp the concept that the business owner and the swole guy took years of dedication and struggle before they got to the level they did. Rather, they just say that their success is unfair.


Education depends on the recipient having the ability and will to receive it.

People are going to do drugs.

We are not all equal. Some are rising, some are falling. Let nature work on us.

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A club for red-pilled exiles.