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So if you want to increase birth rates, give men a better deal. Men getting a better deal will mean men are more likely to accept the idea of marriage again, and you will have a good number more of children per couple.

Sure, some couples will still opt to have only 1 or 2 kids, but 1 or 2 is better than 0 when it comes to improving the overall numbers. And many married couples will want more than just 1 or 2 (if they get started early enough).

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Why are there less pairings/marriages overall? It is because men see that prospect as a bad deal and want no part of a deal that could destroy them in numerous ways. It is a worse deal due to the government giving women an easy way out to destroy the marriage for as little as "I don't feel like it," as well as the women themselves choosing to forego the best years they should be giving their husband and instead expecting their future husband to wait until she is in her 30s.

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One factor with falling birth rates I see is not that married couples are necessarily having too few children (though family sizes overall are down), it is the lack of marriages/pairing overall going on that is at the head of the issue. Too many people not forming long term relationships means that there are going to be overall less children as a result.

I am aware of single mothers and all that, but that's a symptom of another issue as well (and certainly not making up for lack of births).

Hey remember several years back, when shitlibs mocked the idea of no go zones in Sweden?

I remember
note this is a graphic that progressives will use to say "see cities are important", but as you can see it in reality is just another graphic showing "yeah cities steal all the wealth"
Exactly. Far too many guys internalize their failures to find a wife as a personal issue. (For some, it is, especially if you're a drug addict or weigh 300lbs, something along those lines).
You can only go so far as an atomized individual in such a broken and fucked up society. Asking individual men to just 'bootstraps' themselves into creating functioning communities and then calling them incel losers for failing to do so is absurd.
"So most young women are dating two timing men, and this is making the younger generation lonely."

"We need to take away their AI waifu so that they can marry a nice single mother and raise someone else's child."

"We just don't have enough wage slaves, this is a catastrophe."


No, please. Anything but that! Just think about how much they will have to cut back on their false flag operations if this goes through!

Pop quiz, who is the divider in the grocery store meant for?

And besides, if you were to go to one of those countries and had 100% of your DNA from that country of origin as an American, you would not be considered one of them by the people living there. So you cannot have an identity with a group that would not accept you as being one in the same as them.

The way I see it, the "whites do not have their own identity" crowd just want white people to not have any in-group preferences while every other group of people do.

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Wish I could find the video I had in mind, but oh well.

There is an odd claim how there is no "white identity" because white people have origins from all sorts of European countries such as Germany, France, Norway, United Kingdom. So having a white identity supposedly makes no sense.

Except many of the Americans that are white often have more than one of these origins where they have their ancestry, meaning they cannot have a strong identity with those countries of origin.

Shitlibs have terminal main character syndrome and would rather die than see any of their actions as morally wrong "why don't people like the poison I'm feeding them, why are they fighting back, why do people hate us when we have aligned ourselves with some of the most deeply annoying and malicious people on the planet?" Introspection is impossible to them.

Sometimes I wonder what life want from me.🤔

When I want to change something and nothing changes.

Here I am here to try again.

Some beautiful paths can't be discovered without getting lost.
Erol Ozan

Pretty interesating to remind myself this oId picture with quote I found long time ago.

Thx young me.😇

Can government debt solve fertility?

When the underlying problem being discussed is government debt.


This is stupid, you're stupid Overcoming Bias, and I feel stupid for having read your nonsense and making everyone else stupid by linking it.
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A club for red-pilled exiles.