I don't think the US will get a full on invasion of our country. In the event that Russia and/or China were to do so, I cannot say I would feel roused to want to stop them.
Just what would I be fighting for? A corrupt system of government that lies to me and seeks to eradicate more of my freedom?
The idea of America is great. But we are far from living in that actual idea. All we have are empty promises towards that idea from those who are deliberately working against that idea.
>fat women who think the battle was won by their valiant twitter campaign.
It just baffles me how anyone thinks that anything on Twitter is somehow affecting what is actually happening in Ukraine. The point of propaganda is to get people who are able to have an impact on the outcome to act a certain way.
In WWII, you could make an argument that small actions and sacrifices made a difference in the war.
But in war today, just what do morons on Twitter have to offer the war effort? Nothing.
Uhhh, Bobby Fischer was such a sexist! How dare he not say that women are just as good a men in chess!
You would think in a competition that does not rely on physical strength or speed the field would be equal for men and women. That is, if you believe that men and women are equal in spatial, mathematical, and tactical thinking. Which they are not.
Esports is also lacking in women too. Probably because men have better reflexes too.
Think about the first generations of programmers who were pioneering many things we see with computers. Did they see some guy who looks like them do it? No. They did not. In fact, they had so few people to look at for inspiration, they were ostracized for it.
To tell me that "muh represenation" is the key to having more people successful tells me these people only want the superficial result of seeing someone in that role. Just like putting a monkey at a keyboard and saying he is a programmer.
Here is what bothers me about the premise of "We need to have the token woman/minority/other grievanced individual as visible representatives as doctors/engineers/inventors so that they know they can become one too!" is that it fails to understand that inspiration does not come from seeing someone "just like you" do something.
People that go out there to do and accomplish something like that don't do it because they saw someone else who looks like them do it first.
Really grates on me how boomes (and gen X, they’re essentially the same in many parts of the country) blame us for being latchkey kids.
The parents refused to let kids wander around because they watched TV and freaked out over Dateline Specials about how any unattended child would be kidnapped and raped. Now, 20 years after the fact, they’re yelling at us like we should have lectured them on their overreaction and biked across town to shoot potatoes at school buildings w/ PVC tubes and hairspray
I see plenty of this sort of nonsense with those claiming that Christians should be onboard with whatever progressive-globohomo agenda item they want to force on everyone, often with torturing the interpretation of the Bible. But this is an example of straight up making up context that was never there, which is far worse as it is easy to demonstrate how it is an obvious lie.
Saw the same thing in a pro-gay presentation claiming Jesus "affirmed a gay couple." Wrong!
Regardless of whether or not you are a Christian, you should at least understand my contention with his absolutely bogus statements about what happened in the Bible. This is supposed to support his premise that abortion is okay with God. Yes, the same God that tells his people not to commit murder is fine with abortion because liars like this want you to conform to the world rather than conform to God's teachings. Oh yeah, there is something in the Bible about that too: Romans 12:2
Sometimes the internet takes me down quite the rabbit holes. I found this particular video (not exactly current but who cares):
At the timestamp, this "scholar" claims that the angel "asks" Mary if she would want to bear the Son of God, and it only happens because Mary says yes.
Read me Luke 1:26-38 (https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Luke+1:26-38&version=NIV) and tell me if this looks like the angel "asked" Mary. No, he told her it would happen.
So clearly this man is full of shit
Even I might not like life becoming more difficult, and I might even be among those who would get upset. But I may need to learn to deal with that. It matters not if I like it or not, but rather what will I do if I face a more difficult life. The only choice I have is to deal with the difficulty as best as I can.
I like to think I am adaptable, but a collapse of any severity will put that theory to the test.
That is indeed a worst case scenario, but even considering the downgrade in the standards of living will be something most people will not be able to swallow. All necessities being extremely expensive means less disposable income for things that people most certainly do not need. We are too used to comforts, and taking away those comforts will drive some to think it is the end of the world even if it is not.
If the US does full on collapse, I think it will shock most people living in the US. Yes, we have many bad signs deterioration, but most people still are living fairly comfortably in spite of the issues with inflation.
Food not being on grocery store shelves, electricity turned off, and gas not being at the pump are things most people are not going to be able to contemplate. For most people, that will mean death.
No, you are not going to meet some cute young thing on your flight to your destination. Your life is not a movie.
Anyone else who might look at you funny for dressing for comfort when you are already going through every other discomfort during travel is never going to see you again anyways. Why care about what they think?
So if your aversion to the idea of wearing sweatpants on a flight is because you fear others judging you for your choice in clothing, just forget about that silliness.
Looks like this will be my new home. Warning: I (probably) have Asperger's, so my be prepared for my autism to show through.
I don't think I am a right wing extremist, but I am sure anyone with low testosterone might think otherwise.