@Tfmonkey If a woman really wants sex, she will put aside any bullshit excuse. But when she doesn't, any bullshit excuse may be used. After all, many husband's are either working longer hours or doing outside housework such as lawn mowing. Do those contributions count? Generally not. Because it is not about fairness or truth, but just a distraction from the issue that the woman does not want to uphold her marriage vows.
@Tfmonkey This of course is still just a tactic to shame men into "contributing more" to housework. This of course does not actually succeed because the women are once again looking for an excuse to moralizing why they will not have sex with their husbands. Make it "his fault," and she can dodge the question about why she is not doing what she is supposed to as a wife by having sex with her husband regularly.
Part 2
@Tfmonkey I recall one of your shows discussed choreplay. But I think somewhere along the way there was a fundamental misunderstanding of what it was supposed to mean (not by you but those like r/femaledatingstrategy trying to weaponize it). Originally, the premise was that they were telling men that their wives were too tired to have sex due to how many chores they do around the house. So help your wife with chores and she will have more energy for sex!
Part 1
I am not Australian, so I cannot say how strong the coercion and propaganda was for Aussies. What I do know is the "no one forced you to take it" is a load of bullshit.
Take one guess if you think the state affiliated media mentioned his age or physical condition. Hint: they want you to think the FBI goon squad was justified in their assault.
It is often not what is said, but what is not said that is telling about what these shitlibs want their audience to think is true.
And if you ask the young men of this generation to die for our country, do not be shocked if a lot of them say, "No way." So good luck trying to rouse this country into being ready and able to fight a full blown war.
Sure, you could try and force the men to fight, but that is just setting up things for failure, as low motivation among your soldiers is not a recipe for success. And worse for the fake and gay powers that be, an uprising by the very men they thought would fight for them.
I am not among those who are skeptical of nuclear weapons existing. Though if I am wrong, at least we know that the nuclear Armageddon ending is not going to be the way we all die.
While I doubt we would have a full scale invasion of the US, we would have a serious downgrade in living standards if we have full blown war. That is even accounting for ideal military competence (which we see less and less of due to woke policies infesting our military).
With all the potential escalation of war against Russia and/or China, I have seen many more cases of skepticism of nuclear bombs.
If these skeptics are correct, the US empire is really, really screwed. Because that means we only have conventional warfare to fall back on to fight, and we are woefully unprepared to fight a country (ore more than one) that can fight back.
And if we have been bluffing this whole time, it will be one hell of a bluff call.
The idea that having women into the workplace is some sort of capitalist plot is just a silly premise. Think about a lot of the jobs that women are employed at. Make work, email sending, bullshit work. What benefit does that bring to a business? Nothing really. An evil capitalist would not benefit from this.
But someone else benefits by having women in the workplace. Can you guess who that is? The entity that gets extra tax dollars as a result of more women working, the government itself.
There are people out there who think they can take you in a fight, @Humpleupagus
I would be curious to see who exactly these people are, considering that there is device called an elephant gun, which implies that a regular gun is not enough to do the job. Because a regular gun is not enough. So what hope would you have bare handed?
Got a real mystery on my hands. I am up about 5 pounds on my weight (not too much but I can see the numbers on the scale). However, I have not only been able to do the same number of pullups, but I even got a new PR. And I highly doubt the weight gain was all muscle.
So I am still puzzled, but happy that at least I am not falling off in that exercise.
Looks like this will be my new home. Warning: I (probably) have Asperger's, so my be prepared for my autism to show through.
I don't think I am a right wing extremist, but I am sure anyone with low testosterone might think otherwise.