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I can also expect that many people living in their own countries with ancestors living there for generations might take the deal of renouncing their citizenship as well. This is because many people (rightly) do not have a sense of patriotism for a country that no longer reflects their values and principles. Many countries are now more or less economic zones with an ever increasing list of laws that make life worse and are contradictory to their own values.

America, I am looking at you here.

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I am willing to bet the vast majority of 1st, 2nd, and likely even 3rd generation immigrants would not qualify as patriots under this standard. And I say fair enough, I don't blame them.

But it should make everyone think about who is coming to their countries to live there and whether or not they are coming for the proper reasons. Having a higher standard of living for yourself is not enough of a reason to justify immigration from many countries.

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I have a patriotism test that can apply for all countries:

The test: If an enemy power declared war on the country you reside in, but stated that they would spare anyone who renounces/denies citizenship of that country, would you stand and fight, or would you forfeit your right to citizenship?

For this test, you have a 1/4 chance of dying and a 1/2 chance that your country will lose the war regardless of your efforts. Do you love the country you live in enough?

When you see shit like this, you understand just how brain rotted the current managerial class really is.
The boomer meme that women are complicated is retarded. Boomer men thought they didn't understand women but the reality is that boomers didn't and still don't understand anything in general. Women are shallow and really only care about perception. This is their primary concern. There is nothing else really in there, it's all a reflection of what they think will make them look the best according to societal norms at that moment. That's why so many of them are spiritually negroid buttsex worshipping libtards.

Women are conformist in the extreme and care only about pleasing their perception of their in-group. In a globalized world that means whatever serves the interest of the homogenizing Globohomo culture. Feminism came about as a result of women's much stronger predisposition to forming an ingroup and enforcing societal norms. Because of the friend-enemy distinction this means that women view all men as the enemy and are happy to support any government measures that make things worse than men.

Women don't, can't, and are unwilling to understand men because men because to women men are just another tool to acquire status among the other roasties.
what pure fucking insanity, thinking you can disarm someone WITH ONLINE TRAINING

you'd think somewhere in the GAE there would be a pocket of competence, where they don't try to solve all their problems with black girl magic and gay sex

but you'd be wrong
Every time the US government relinquishes some kind of control to the states, leftists show their true colors.

Every leftist lives in one of the many left-wing hives like Boston, New York, or San Francisco, a change of federal rules will NEVER affect them.

But it terrifies them that somewhere someone might live by different rules. They are all little tyrants and colonists - determined to enforce their power and their religion on everyone in the world.

Massachusetts Bay Colony and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

I am giving many of the Democrat voters the benefit of the doubt that like many Republican voters they are simply voting for the least worst option. But this recent turn of events should make it obvious that the Democrat party should not be trusted.

I know I cannot trust the Republican party, but I vote for them more often as the less worse option. I am usually content if they just stay out of my way. That happens in most cases, so I am not disappointed most often.

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For those who are "vote blue no matter who," I have to wonder what they think of the Democrat party these days. Surely they cannot be happy that they kept Joe Biden on the ticket in spite of the fact that they had 4 years to get an alternative.

It shows that the party is incompetent or is underhanded. That is, the latter can only be true if their plan was to demonstrate that they need a Biden replacement pronto.

Though I know many Dem voters hold their nose to vote just like many GOP voters.

I already know the debate went badly for Biden without having to watch it, because the betting market for him winning just dropped a whole lot.

Not that the betting market matters if they plan on stealing the election, but I have to wonder if they will be bold enough to try it now.

Not planning on watching the debate. Maybe will see highlight clips, but no sense in watching all of it. I already know how I will vote.

If you are someone who needs to watch a debate to help you determine who you will vote for, it tells me you should not be voting because you are an emotionally driven, low information voter. We need less of that kind of voter, thank you very much.

No, and as you get older the margin for error gets smaller and smaller, both because you're older and women expect you to "just get it" , and because your dating pool is smaller and and smaller, each subsequent failure has a larger impact. If you're good looking, charismatic, and/or rich, you can get away with more mistakes. Or if you can date someone way below your level, you also get some leeway.

I personally know people who brought up the idea of getting the next booster shots because "we just don't know how bad this variant will be." What this showed me was that this is not an issue of "seeing the same thing and interpreting it differently." Rather, we are looking at entirely different sources of information and these people have never had real exposure to anything contrary to the legacy media narrative.

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