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They figured it out already.

The Democrats lost because they didn't call bad orange man and his garbage supporters "Nazis" enough times.
can't wait to see how totally ineffective the republicans are with control of the presidency and both houses


Looks like we are getting war with Iran. Or maybe someone who has their sanity left will pull the plug on that operation.

Chance of leftist butthurt: very, very high.

>Democrats need to win them with respect – but to do that, they need to actually respect them.

Kind of hard to do that when so many on the left have open contempt for the people on the right and consider them evil for having a different political outlook than themselves.

On this one i'm not giving them top predictive props, so much.

It's a tired playbook they go back to, again and again after they've run out of any newer ineffective smears.

There is a reason why men value virginity in a woman. It is because you are being picked first if she actually had restraint from sex before you.

But now very few men who want marriage can find a woman who fit this criteria.

And this does not even get to the topic of what works and what doesn't. That is often where the debate truly lies, because we still have this debate when everyone is not on the same page about what works and what does not work.

You cannot get the people who want government to do more to have an agreeable solution with those who want the government to do less. The same goes for you cannot get agreement when two or more factions want the government to act but in divergent ways.

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Another point to debate is how different approaches to solving a problem cannot be rectified just because "we want the same things."

Let us say that everyone can agree that poverty is bad and we want less of it. How do we end it? The left may advocate for wealth redistribution in many forms, while the right may advocate for less government intervention. It should be clear that these two solutions cannot work together, since wealth redistribution is the government intervention the right opposes.

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The pro-stability rightwing individual would want to see people fall in line with the rule of law. They may not like income inequality or poverty, but those concerns are lesser priorities to them.

While I may have oversimplified the outlooks for brevities sake, the point is that unity is not found in "wanting the same things" if you have not clearly defined what that even means.

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One example of "wanting the same things" not working out is due to the definition of "the same things" being too vague.

"We want everyone to have a better life."

What does that mean? The answer depends on the ideology of who you ask. The more socialist/progressive minded individual may want incomes/wealth to be evenly distributed, while the more libertarian/free market individual may want everyone to just not have poverty without a care for equity.

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I have stated before that "we want the same things" is not often true when it comes to politics. I will state another thing: even if two or more groups with different political idealogies want to achieve the same outcome, vague or specific, this cannot be a source of unity because of the different means that each group will want to use. The real dividing factor here would be implementation of the goals, and you cannot unify on implementation when your plans work against each other.

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If I ever see or hear the words "you are voting against your interests", my response is this:

So tell me what my interests are.

The person making the initial assertion will either need to know me very well to accurately assess how I should change my voting patterns to align with my interests or they should admit that they do not actually know my interests.

And if they admit this, then how can they state that I am voting against my interests when they do not have knowledge of them?

Apparently betting markets think Trump is going to win. No polls or odds are going to mean anything if those pulling the strings want to get the "correct" result.

They will just make up whatever lies they need to in order to provide enough of a smokescreen to keep the normies from suspecting anything. But who knows? Maybe they want war with Iran or they know that the system is held together by duct tape and see this as the perfect opportunity to let things fall apart.

We will see soon.

millenials are the boomers of the arts. they grew up in an era where movies and games were amazing and then ruined it all as soon as they took control, all while feeling smugly superior to the following generation who has to sit through the latest remake of a 40 year old movie. then they moan about kids watching Skibidi Toilet as if anything they're making for that demographic isn't complete dogwater. not to mention they look down on the mental health crisis as if they didn't all fake depression to get attention ten years ago.
>How is it cowardice? I'm not following.
They've spent the last 80+ years doing the "everyone we don't like is Hitler". And they're shocked when the dog whistle is no longer effective?!?
yOu DiDn'T aTTaCk oN CoMMaNd? yOu'Re cOwArDs.
The reason the modern regime will collapse is because it is entirely built around a mythical Hitler and the alleged holocaust.

With time, no one will give a fuck, just like no one really gives a fuck about the napoleonic wars.

As a result, the foundation will crumble, and everything else with it.

To build the entire zeitgeist around these myths was just stupid. It's too temporary.
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