@PhilosopherRex It gets worse. That bell curve is ONLY for children between 11 and 13 wherein girls start puberty before boys, and have a once-in-a-lifetime developmental advantage, and they can only break-even. By 17 boys are smarter than girls once puberty kicks in.
See Richard Lynn's studies. The reason you only see the 11-13 graph is because it promotes "equality"
I have noticed in a recent propaganda push about vaccines. Not Covid specific, but just vaccines in general.
I see this as a sign that powers that be are doing a poor attempt at damage control. There has never been more doubt in "vaccines" than ever before, and ever since the rollout of the mRNA clots shots, people are asking questions about the other vaccines. Since we know they were full of shit with the Covid ones, is it so wild to think they might be lying about others too?
I had the same thought about how women are written as Mary Sues because "women are just already awesome as they are" while men are written with actual struggles to achieve greatness.
Not sure if I wrote it down or not in one of my posts, but Rollo here says everything better than what I had already written or would have written.
This relates to one of the problems that many broke people have. There is no amount of money you can give to someone to save them from being broke if they are just going to blow through that money until they run out.
Poverty is often a result of stupidity. This may be inconvenient to leftists who think they can solve economic inequality. Because no policy can truly fix self destructive stupidity.
I remember many times reading personal accounts of people mention how "we were eating good" when they got a paycheck or extra money in some way. But later on I read them say how they would be struggling to pay bills and only have ramen to eat.
I realize that I could never see eye to eye with such people since I would never find myself blowing so much money just because I appeared to have extra. Long term thinking, it is not for everyone, it seems.
Not everyone is fit to be a leader. That is not a problem, since those who are fit to be leaders need able and competent followers. If you are someone who is not suited for leadership, you still need to understand what it takes to be a leader. That way you can understand who is worth following and who is not.
It is easy to be apathetic about our government when you are not targeted by them. But if you ever are in the same position as these parents, government tyranny cannot be denied.
So whenever you are asked, "But how does it personally affect you?" these assholes are either willfully blind or cheer on parents like these getting labeled as terrorists, and such naysayers cannot be trusted.
What this guy does not understand about the opposition to DEI is usually the DEI is not what people are upset about, but the bad outcomes from incompetency or agenda pushing.
When the bad outcome is due to DEI, it makes sense why people would oppose it. People do not like bad outcomes, and if you have a repeated reason for those bad outcomes, then you are going to have people call for the end of that reason.
Watching this video of out curiosity and to confirm if this guy matches the expectation of the Smuggie here. Pretty much.
But I had the moment of "are you freaking kidding me" was that he stated at around the 30:20 minute mark when he said "she was the only one in the argument actually offering statistics rather than emotion."
The "statistics?" That 1/3 women in the US get raped.
Offering statistics means nothing when your statistics are bullshit.
Seeing this video made me think about something regarding right-left politics. It was inevitable that the left would push young men out, because their ideaology of equality is antithetical to how men operate. Men are naturally competitve, and seek to compete to determine where they stand. If left to compete in all areas, men would be dominant in pretty much all areas.
Thus men are shoved down in order to try (and fail) at reaching the ideal of equality.
Even if we believe the data on inflation (we shouldn't), looking at the past 12 months is disingenuous because we cannot just look at economics and prices in an isolated window and proclaim that everything is sunshine and roses. We have to account for the previous years of inflation and economic conditions, which would show that those rising wages still do not offset the previous effects of inflation.
But I don't think the typical NPR listener will consider that one bit.
Looks like this will be my new home. Warning: I (probably) have Asperger's, so my be prepared for my autism to show through.
I don't think I am a right wing extremist, but I am sure anyone with low testosterone might think otherwise.