Mike Adams, a former Christian Zionist, reaches out to current Christian Zionists. You don't see that too often.

First Impressions of Fukanzen Sugiru

Like in many Isekai anime we find a meta-narrative, a world (ours) outside the world (Isekai). Concretely, the protagonist as a QA tester in a gaming world.

"What if NPCs had souls and free will, like we do? But human minds, devs, programmed every event?"

Here the story parallels the Human Experience in our World with the same in a man-made one, alluding to profound questions about ours.

In the latter, QA means making sure nothing unintended ever happens.

How many know that Seagal ran his own dojo in Osaka during a time when Japan was not yet liberal and tolerant towards its own traditions. Seagal proved himself against competition and even withstood challenges from other dojos. I write this to contrast his actual CV with the smears we all read on Western media.

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Boosted my post about Steven Seagal from my earlier account as he happened to be in the news recently

Trust in physicians experienced a historic crash in recent years. From almost 80% down to below 40%. Any ideas why? 😉

Source: Trust in Physicians and Hospitals During the COVID-19 Pandemic in a 50-State Survey of US Adults

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