@gav no I saw on X someone shared an untranslated Russian news source that talked about it. That's why I called it a rumor as I couldn't point to the source. Apparently there is a Russian outlet for native Russian media being translated to other languages but I couldn't bother to look through it when I posted it
@gav good question. he probably did. I mostly shared it here so people post pol-like policies lol
forow @[email protected] on the very experimental bugoutzone Nyaa
@rlier23 @pyrate @SuperSnekFriend not to defend Buddhism (I'm Orthodox) but the same thing happens with people who convert to the Orthodox Church. There's probably a term for that phenomenon, where fresh converts start lecturing people who grew up in the faith. Perhaps a case of Culprit seeking the venue of the Crime, where the chosen religion becomes a passive participant.
I like how the newest ClariS song would be completely at home in the 80s or 90s, and a different production style/mix would make that quite evident I think
@p can I join your instance? I miss pleroma
@jjohhnn I agree. My first impression is rather positive. I'm surprised by the rather low rating on MAL. Not trying to solve the mystery of average ratings sometimes defying individual expectations, but more often than not they indicate something about quality in some aspect, which I haven't really seen so far here. On the other hand, not few anime started out good and threw everything overboard halfway through or even close to the end.
First Impressions of Fukanzen Sugiru
Like in many Isekai anime we find a meta-narrative, a world (ours) outside the world (Isekai). Concretely, the protagonist as a QA tester in a gaming world.
"What if NPCs had souls and free will, like we do? But human minds, devs, programmed every event?"
Here the story parallels the Human Experience in our World with the same in a man-made one, alluding to profound questions about ours.
In the latter, QA means making sure nothing unintended ever happens.
@heavens_feel @romin unrelated but how come I'm not seeing your replies to others on my home feed, yet I see Teto's replies, for example, on my home feed? My feed looks very isolated for that reason, as if I only follow 4 people
@RehnSturm256 🤣
[mastodon has no reactions, wtf]
@teto granted, but I feel the absence of baest. It's getting too normal
@RehnSturm256 I need to follow more people, can you recommend some?
artsy, perceptive, sensitive people highly welcome. will follow back