イリエ boosted
There's no such thing as fate; an ugly and very destructive word depriving man of his agency, potential, and personal responsibility. While we cannot choose where we start in life, or how our environment behaves, we not only can, but must choose how we behave, what we do, our direction, and why we walk where we walk; what we choose or reject. If we want to bring God or the divine into the picture, then not as a pagan and heathen decider and prescriber, where puny man struggles against divine decisions set in stone, but as providence, as a force that enables and disables paths, that brings together or prevents, miraculously, but never overrides our free will, never choosing where we walk, save for the soft push, the clairvoyant closing of a door by a loving parent.
イリエ boosted
From West to East, from France to Greece; from North to South, from Sweden to Italy, Europeans must unite under the Cross again, and declare: Europe for Europeans, and Europeans for Christ.

The promises of the Liberal World are expired; freedom, equal justice, and human fraternity have been violated and desecrated by the Keepers of the System. All rules are gone, everything is allowed: Take back Europe, or others will take it from you.

@leespringfield1903 worth keeping in mind that Palestinians are apparently overwhelmingly Sunni, similar to Turks, and the "rebels" who toppled Assad. The dream of a united resistance consisting of Christians and Muslims across Lebanon, Palestine, Syria, and Iran seems to be dissolving; Israel's divide and conquer apparently prevailed.

@Wopu Assad was beloved by his people, the actual Syrian people. Dictator is a word the Western establishment applies to undesirable leaders. Meanwhile, midget Zelensky banned elections, opposition parties, and the native Orthodox Church, yet no one calls him a dictator in the Western establishment. Calling Assad a dictator is a sign of buying into propaganda.

May it be a lesson to all! Assad governed a multi ethnic Syria, among them a non-native Sunni Muslim majority (unrequited tolerance allowed them to become a majority); Sunnis ended up sympathizing with foreign Israel-backed rebels, and ultimately raided the home of the benevolent but ousted president Assad. End.

Part 2

"The fight we are engaged in began before the time appeared. The most important thing is to define our camp. That is the only thing that really matters. [Those] who are on the side of God have already won. Those who triumph with the devil are damned and defeated for eternity."

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Dugin's take on Assad's Fall

"The fall of Asad is a tragic event. He was an ally of Russia and the pole of Resistance. We have to accept blow as blow, the pain as pain. This is the fight, the war. The war usually has different episodes - some are unpleasant and painful. But we should never give up. We’ll win."

I hope Assad and his family survived in all this mess. The last thing the humans of this world need is more scenes like Gaddafi being captured by demons in human form.


no, actually. Just a reminder of the global context of events, and that the last word has not been spoken yet. Also check on the Russian port in Syria. What will happen to the current version of Syria? Only God knows

Lots of doom and gloom about the situation in Syria right now, but all is not lost, yet, and unless we have inside information about what's going on in Russian, Syrian, Iranian power centers, we can only assume and guess.

This assault on Syria must not be seen in isolation from events in Ukraine, Georgia, and Romania: the Beast (NATO, Israel, EU, Turkey, etc.) is losing on several fronts, even the support of the people it rules: now it attacks Syria, clinging to fading power and outdated plans.

@Kyou peta is right: wherever feminists appear they bring death and destruction, use them instead of rats

what's the point of such a restrictive character limit on mastodon???? bunch of nonsene


And this is just for the Saints. But there's something on the line, regardless whether one is a Saint or not.

It suits Satan to think of yourself as inherently worthless—only able to acquire worth by external means like money, recognition, or status—for this opens the door for compromise, paving the way for him to acquire and crush your soul, which is the true Prize.

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A club for red-pilled exiles.