@kaiservenom >We wouldn't have to develop new technology or anything.

How about maintaining all that technology? This harpy clearly has never had work in a field that deals with upkeeping that sort of thing.

And let's not forget all the infrastructure, food, energy, supply chain, or any other maintenance that is required just to have everything operating. This woman would soon discover just how much she needs men when she is digging out of the garbage for food and burning books for warmth.

@kaiservenom I could go on forever with this topic, but I will try not to. Can this woman even comprehend how much goes into her being able to get a cup of coffee at Starbucks? She does not consider the growing of the coffee, the shipping of the coffee, the electricity and plumbing needed to get her safe water to drink and later heat. Those are not the only things, but all of those and more will be nowhere to be seen in her world of only women. So say goodbye to the comfort she takes for granted

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