@kaiservenom But this enemy still outnumber us 1 to 10000 AND fire arm are The ultimate equalizer even The most retarded person can pull a Trigger.

Sorry Jesus The Battlefield still unbalance try again fixing The Game Settings.

@VeganMGTOW @kaiservenom the problem is not the enemy the problem is the minds of the masses that the enemy controls and will use against you, take for example all the brain dead vegans who think that climate change is real and that eating meat is bad for you. You cant wake up all the ppl some of them you will have to kill, like all the climate change vegas for example there is no salvation for them.

@37712 @kaiservenom I don't believe in climate change but I have Witness with my eyes How slaughterhouse polute rivers a very disturbing imagine that still haunt me today since that day meat Is something disgusting that I won't touch even if my life depends of it.

Meat it The source of many diseases specially The ones that Bigpharma use as engine for their business model.

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