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HILLARY CLINTON: “Right wing extremists already have a plan to literally steal the next presidential election.”

Wall Street Silver on Twitter:


Cramer at his peak on Bear Stearns… six days before it collapsed and was bailed out in 2008…


Wall Street Silver on Twitter:

A girls school in Iran yesterday… they all removed the hijab and chanted “death to the dictator”… while walking over photos of their leaders…


Howard Buffett, the son of Warren Buffett, read Murray Rothbard, wanted to spread his ideas and even wrote a letter to him in 1962.

Twitter | Wall Street Silver:

Lebanon is closing all banks for three days as depositors in multiple incidents across Lebanon have started to rob and break into banks to get access to their own funds...

The banks are all insolvent and unable to meet depositor withdrawals demands...

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.