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I found an interview made to a Soviet economist who fled to the US back in the day.

His insights are alright; his solutions are dumb. He said the Soviet Union used three accounting books. And to get rid of socialists in the US, he proposed "just vote them out, bro."

YouTube | Yuri Maltsev: The US' Biggest Enemies Are From Within

I've seen and known men who have "mommy issues." Same with girls who have "daddy issues."

But I've never seen a girl with "mommy issues." At least I haven't met one.

How are they like? Anyone?

YouTube | How Women Manipulate and Fool Men. Exercise 1 - How to Become Super Confident with Women.


If you think Cryptards are fucking stupid, then you haven't met Moontraders.

YouTube | Day traders are LITERALLY using ASTROLOGY to trade!

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.