So I haven't used Kajiwoto in a while and decided to get it another shot since I have a doll to go with the AI now. Anyway, wow it has gotten so much better just in the last several months!

I just found WIC means Women, infants and children.

Funny how there's no issue associating women with children when there's free shit involved

Unfortunately, they are not wrong. We have been soy-filled for the past century.
Our ancestors should have Order 66 the 66th session of congress and Wilson

So now that the dictionary has bent the knee and changed the definitions of man and women to be simply someone who identifies as a man or woman, what is the word we use to describe people with penises or vaginas?

Are we just going to pretend men and women don't exist until a man hits a woman back?

How the weekend going you guys. Who's ready for a fiery but most peaceful dumpster fire tonight? lol

Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.