@DW2 you can't turn back time on technology. Even if we kicked the current regime out the new people would have this same stuff to work with.
@mangeurdenuage it that supposed to be atlas or sisyphus
@LysanderMooner not being chivalrous for a whore? ok fascist 😂
@a1ba real
@kioshi george droid when the cops show up - ack
@ezpz what
@Fullmetal2255 I thought it was a fun show, even if the premise is a little goofy
@doonxib literally me
@Basedshibe is smugness an aryan thing? idk
@Stahesh chappelle already did this bit like a decade ago. Chivalry is dead - and women killed it.
@Victor_Emmanuel it's kind of funny how they seem to have no awareness of single mom society imploding all around them
@D-Droid life imitates art confirmed
@pinemarten hoes be like...
@Salaru classic french behavior
@tsugumi people who think this is attractive have issues
@weaf my fellow dogs
@RustyCrab my life is spectralon
@ColdOnesLite someone paid her to write this propaganda lol, which means they're definitely Not doing ok
I love casting spells