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@ForbiddenDreamer This guy would be fun to troll with counter gaslighting. You did not make that comment, you just imagined it. It never happened.

I think DRM is stopping me from uploading yt downloads onto my ipod ngl

Been watching these elden ring fights vids on yt. A huge amount of the bosses and npcs die just by standing in the middle of AOE attacks and eating the full damage.

@TrevorGoodchild I don't think they're ever getting that colonizer stuff brushed back under the rug tbh

@TrevorGoodchild does he think people would be mad if the dnc got attacked? Lol

@Shadowman311 can't wait for soyjaks to die. This format has been overused to death the last few years

@sickburnbro This made me laugh. I was being generous calling them kinsmen. Ethnically maybe they're distant relatives, but they're certainly lower caste than me. That fat crossed eyed ghetto faggot retard would never do anything kind for me after all the times I've complained about his noisy ass. I'm not even going to live here anymore soon and I'll thankfully never see him again.

@sickburnbro I fuckin hate my neighbor lol. Living in this cheap ass jew building, their kid screams 4 hours in a row every day. I think they even technically count as "kinsmen" and I still hate the shit out of them. I would gulag them in a heartbeat.

@sickburnbro There's no praxis way to enact that policy under the current regime, but there is a way to seize their private assets, so that's the next best thing. Why would you be against taking their shit on principle when they'll never reciprocate that respect for you?

@sickburnbro That doesn't accomplish the goal of conquering their monopoly holdings. I want to take their shit. They stole it. It doesn't belong to them. We're taking it back.

@sickburnbro That's why you enforce it. I'm an authoritarian. Fuck you jew businesses give me your money or you can get shot.

@sickburnbro It's an imperialist mindset, which is the only true counter against their own imperialism.

@sickburnbro @transgrammaractivist Problem here is I don't view things in terms of government vs business. It's not my government and it's not my business. They both belong to some jew who hates whitey. So if I can hypothetically use a white government to fuck jew businesses, that's a good thing.

@sickburnbro @transgrammaractivist I would have more sympathy for the business side if I had not already worked for state connected mega corps who just have the government bail them out from their incompetence every time. They definitely earned that fuck you tbh. They screw both their employees and their clients and the only thing they care about it keeping the zionist boomer grift going for their managers.

@sickburnbro @transgrammaractivist I don't think saying something along the lines of fuck blackrock counts as communism.

@11112011 @ceo_of_monoeye_dating if I'd have known he was going to have that kind of insane reaction I would have been a lot more of a dick lol. Watch your tone when speaking to me faggot. Something like that

@ceo_of_monoeye_dating I basically said dude I'm agreeing with your point you don't need to be rude and he blocked me.

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