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croc abuse 

@Xeraser the lizard fears the bonk

@doonxib @sickburnbro People have been waiting for a "collapse" for the last 50 years. I'm more a revolution fan personally.

@doonxib @sickburnbro I actually watched a documentary about this the other day. Volcanoes killed the crops for ancient mexico, that's why they disappeared. I appreciate your optimism for post-apocalypse rebounds but I don't expect de-industrialization to ever regress to such a point. The techno future is likely here to stay, and that's not really compatible with ancient 'white christian' society and how they operated.

@doonxib @sickburnbro We're never returning to the laws we had in the 1800s because that frontier will never exist again.

@doonxib @sickburnbro It's not like you have to be 'white nationalist' to want this government regime changed.

@sickburnbro I don't want to get into a flame war with you dude. If you like liberalism that's fine, it just makes you not part of the dissent faction. You're smart enough to read between the lines. The suggestion that we're going to unfuck obama-destroyed society with "cut taxes" alone is totally laughable.

@rimugu Not having a local account is a deal breaker for me. I'm not going to be cloud signed in all the time just to use my own computer.

@sickburnbro I know this revenant account, he's promoting liberalism which is the regime. You're not going to get rid of woke crap by preaching more civil rights.

Either he doesn't understand why that philosophy is obsolete on a deeper level (21st century demographics) or he's gaslighting about it on purpose.

@sickburnbro He is saying trust muh plan, which is fake and gay.

@sickburnbro Yeah it is libertarianism because he's suggesting "small government" is the solution to communism, which is retarded and proven false already.

@sickburnbro the government views the public as slaves, so it's not insane in that regard. They think your entire purpose in life is to pay those taxes. If you let the lower class off the hook and only taxed the rich, this would be totally contrary to the identity politics agenda of our 'greatest allies.'

@sickburnbro "native populations aren't fun to rule." 😆

So they're outright admitting they are an occupation then.

@Stahesh @VeganMGTOW Once we actually do cause a real 'happening' these regime zogs sure won't be happy about it.

@yes_commander what a cool idea for a guitar. probably uncomfortable af but looks great

@ILoveAmericaNews The people they burned were losers who had it coming. We need more of that not less.

@NitroDubs @sickburnbro Slavery was good for the GDP too, maybe we should bring that back. 😏

@sickburnbro I don't think they understand the implications of what they said by promoting this. I get where this comes from, but if followed to its logical conclusions, it doesn't lead to a good place. This screams managerial class missing the forest for the trees kind of vibes.

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