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@byteseu They are giving trump credit he really doesn't deserve. He won't even say the words "white people."

@cowanon japan's birth rate is low because they are on team money printing jews.

@deprecated_ii diversity in general views staff positions are nepotism hook ups and not as something whose purpose is to help the company overall. They don't care about performance, they care about getting their 42 cousins a paycheck.

@YoMomz overpowering other men is based though so taking women from another land is also based

@YoMomz To be fair if you're very good looking then they volunteer anyway so you wouldn't really need to rape if you built up your own status enough first

@YoMomz How many women historically do you think made a giant effort to return home after they got abducted as slave waifus? Very few. The vast majority went - well I guess I live here now.

Right wing rape squads would sure be more popular with the ladies than whatever the hell 'male feminists' are doing.

@apropos @DrRyanSkelton kind of a blurry line when it's rape and when it's just normal courtship tbh. they'll play hard to get because they want to be overpowered

@DrRyanSkelton If you can't bend the rules and have fun in a harmless simulation then what's the point? Nobody wants to check some karen bureaucracy box in their entertainment fantasy. The whole reason it exists is to not do that.

@white_male @PinochetsCommieCopter that's like something gypsies do man idk. I ain't raising no gyspy dog

@white_male @PinochetsCommieCopter I am totally not on team noble savages lol. There's nothing noble about savages.

@TornadoOfTerror why do they have to be "far right?" Do other manga enjoyers not seem cool enough?

@white_male @PinochetsCommieCopter They probably figured out western governments don't just blanket back diversity, but actually support islam

@DrRyanSkelton raising your student to be your wife simulator, based

@Jonny not going to fight for anyone who calls me "boy," that's for sure

@Jonny same reason any other inconvenient trending topic is suppressed

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