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@LostShakerOfSalt @ColPeatGuano @shedinja You're a faggot. The idea women should be raised to be wives is not controversial to the majority of the planet. Your fag brain just can't cope with God's design.

@LostShakerOfSalt @ColPeatGuano @shedinja You're defending the worst society that has ever existed against me who's criticizing it for being trash. No U

@ColPeatGuano @LostShakerOfSalt @shedinja My last girlfriend totally liked me. I just didn't want to put a ring on caring for some other nigger's bastards.

@ColPeatGuano @LostShakerOfSalt @shedinja None yet thanks to the zionists, hence why I'm opposing them. But don't worry. We'll fix that problem soon enough.

@LostShakerOfSalt @shedinja Raising a daughter to be a good wife in the future is just normal parenting, it is neither grooming nor pedophilia. You fags just want women to be sterile and homos and that's what your problem is. You're anti-natalists. I'm proud to oppose you. You're destroying society and my worldview is better than yours and I'm on the side of God.

@transgrammaractivist @shedinja @Goalkeeper @Jonaschuzzlewit @Owl you're white knighting for female homos and that's too faggoty to show any respect to

@transgrammaractivist @shedinja @Goalkeeper @Jonaschuzzlewit @Owl Of course. that's how every political deal in history ever worked. What are you retarded and a feminist homo?

@transgrammaractivist @shedinja @Goalkeeper @Jonaschuzzlewit @Owl No grooming is homos. Straight marriage is never grooming, that's just marriage.

@transgrammaractivist @shedinja @Goalkeeper @Jonaschuzzlewit @Owl I'm fine with 18. That's not a huge deal for me. Americans are the ones mandating nigger integration in high schools and causing a single mom crisis. Those are your "trad west" values that destroyed civilization.

@transgrammaractivist @shedinja @Goalkeeper @Jonaschuzzlewit @Owl It means they get raised to be wives and get married, not go be sterile office girlbosses who need immigrants

@transgrammaractivist @shedinja @Goalkeeper @Jonaschuzzlewit @Owl I'd sharia law the fuck out of every lesbian karen kike faggot and cancel them out of politics totally.

@transgrammaractivist @shedinja @Goalkeeper @Jonaschuzzlewit @Owl Can you seriously not tell I see through your grift? Man you're stupid aren't you. Must be one of those diversity hires who can't get a job anywhere else without free jew money.

@transgrammaractivist @shedinja @Goalkeeper @Jonaschuzzlewit @Owl Playing dumb for infinite comments is a waste of my time jew. Bring better game. Your faggots are getting canceled and there's nothing you can do about it. Run back to israel where you belong.

@transgrammaractivist @shedinja @Goalkeeper @Jonaschuzzlewit @Owl You're here to defend homo groomers. Kill yourself faggot. My morality is better than yours commie.

@Jonaschuzzlewit @shedinja @transgrammaractivist @Goalkeeper @Owl your government supports fag marriage. You are the pedos not the dissent

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