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@DW2 you can't turn back time on technology. Even if we kicked the current regime out the new people would have this same stuff to work with.

@LysanderMooner not being chivalrous for a whore? ok fascist 😂

@kioshi george droid when the cops show up - ack

@Fullmetal2255 I thought it was a fun show, even if the premise is a little goofy

@Stahesh chappelle already did this bit like a decade ago. Chivalry is dead - and women killed it.

@Victor_Emmanuel it's kind of funny how they seem to have no awareness of single mom society imploding all around them

@tsugumi people who think this is attractive have issues

Welcome to fediverse. First thing you need to do is block all the porn bots and homos so your meme feed can look normal.

@ColdOnesLite someone paid her to write this propaganda lol, which means they're definitely Not doing ok

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.