What if the whole intent of market manipulation is just an ace in the hole to be used just in case a “republican” gets elected in 2024?

You know, to keep the fake and goy show going until someone like Trump steps in and then Wham! A nice big shit sandwich for your first term. Then the cathedral can point and blame all their failings on the new shmuck.

If not then I guess we all get to sit together and enjoy the crazy train as it goes off the fucking rails.

@marlathetourist Both things are true. If Trump wins the regime can just allow the economy to collapse. If you're still subbed and reading to @Tfmonkey's posts, you know GDP is just being propped up by government spending. All that is required for good to lose is that bad men do nothing. That's it. Less gov spending means recession. If Trump doesn't win, the government continues to cope and seethe its way through a crumbling system.


@ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey
I personally can’t thank .gov enough for giving me these crutches after breaking my legs. They were even kind enough to bill me for said crutches.

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