Playing BG3. These fucking devs are hornier than Bioware. Bioware is done. This shit not only has the cutscene convos Dragon Age had, but it's also porn with an rpg attached. I can get my entire party buck naked and go through the game committing total nigger death. Meanwhile in Bioware games you're too busy talking to trannies about their life story of being a dickless degenerate.


@37712 @ButtWorldsMan It's Pretty bad in character creation, but after that you can do whatever the fuck you want.
Humans are black by default in char creation so you need to customize face, skin color, and hair to change that. Changing your character's gender does nothing to their appearance like it's the equivalent of switching pronouns. Actual male or female is picking body 1 or 3 vs body 2 or 4. They also have the interchangeable genitals thing from CP2077 which makes 0 sense outside SciFi.

@max_Y_mum @37712 The gender faggotry has interesting implications. Choose body type 2/4 to create a gay twink character. Choose 3/4 to create a cute tomboy or a big snu snu dommy mommy. Considering how horny the devs are, and the ability to get characters you control naked from the start, there are many ways to create fun. Can't wait to see what modders come up with.

I'm mostly happy that it is very possible to create a cute female character. When game asked to create a guardian I made a waifu

@ButtWorldsMan @max_Y_mum why do you guys even play this shit? At least tell me that you guys pirated the game and did not give the devs any money

@37712 @max_Y_mum Because Larian is a good dev and BG3 is a technically good game. A very good game. The annoyance of leftist ideology is greatly surpassed by the quality of a game that devs of triple A studios are publicly seething about. I've also been too impressed by what they've achieved here compared to their previous game to completely give up on them. Note I'm not telling you you need to play it. This isn't New Vegas, that has no caveats attached. Fucking play that.

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