@mrhorsetwat @VooDooMedic

Are they trying to run out of water from the fire hydrants to intentionally be unable to put out fires

And then rich people buy the land after a fire occurs that they could not put out?

@shortstories @VooDooMedic The jews already stole $1 bil from us. And probably already own most things there.

@mrhorsetwat @VooDooMedic

Any land that was paid through a fractional reseve loan instead of a full reserve loan involving the mortgage is stolen by the "Jewish" banksters. All property tax is theft done by "Jews." The rent is increased by the amount of property tax increase and also is stolen by "Jews"

@shortstories @mrhorsetwat it was all the Jews that's the black pill literally everything wrong with society as a whole is either a straight up attack from the Jewish or benefits the Jews by destroying the lives of people they see everyone who isn't ethnically Jewish to be a pawn or chattel

@VooDooMedic @shortstories Exactly. Shit has ended up exactly how the jews wanted. The soviet union somehow let a shitload of jews to go to israel. Not surprising since the upper chambers of the USSR was packed with jews.

@mrhorsetwat @VooDooMedic

It is not troublesome races but troublesome religions that need to be removed

The "Jews" trained black people to have a racist ideology and that is why they commit so many crimes

They do not commit crimes because of their skin tone but their ideology

The Jews taught them an ideology that if you have one skin tone people of another skin tone owe you welfare

Remove the taxes to pay for welfare then shoot all the rioters regardless of skin color and evolve all races


@VooDooMedic @PordanJeterson @shortstories I cant wait to see your ass try to learn russian. It means 'hello'. Its transliterated to privet.

@mrhorsetwat @VooDooMedic @PordanJeterson

5 different spellings for a verb

conjugated based on
single, dual, plural
1st, 2nd, 3rd person
active, middle, passive voice
4 moods
7 tenses
5*3*3**3*4*7 = 1160

Might not have counted how many in each category correctly my internet keeps resetting on me

So no time for accuracy

Knowing how difficult Greek is with 1160 combination conjugation patterns I am just not motivated to learn

Greek Alphabet plus a bonus Alphabet


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