@Stahesh @LysanderMooner

Not worth the bother

Russia has holocaust denial laws

So it is not a good place to flee to unless it changes that

@shortstories @Stahesh so? Russia is naturally anti Nazi
I don't talk about the Holocaust ever either

Russia prosecuted thousands less than the UK for online speech last year too


@LysanderMooner @shortstories @Stahesh Bruh. Russia has laws against the denial of crimes by the Nazis against the russians not jews.

@mrhorsetwat @LysanderMooner @Stahesh

The flight distance from Alaska to Russia, or Southeast Asia is much shorter than from other parts of the 50 States excluding Hawaii

I think the only places left to live in the known world are in Asia, South America, Mexico and some parts of the United States

I am not sure if Mexico will work anymore

Max Igan fled to Mexico to escape Austrailia only to have government agents stop by his sisters house looking for him in Australia right after he escaped

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