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@Mongoliaboo Exactly! Though certainly not as much as they did regarding my Avatar.

Anna Komnene was a learned scholar and historian as well as a traditional woman.

However, in order to comply with the (((current year))), the shills changed the year of her husband’s birth.

Notice the difference between the Wikipedia archive...

...and the article now...

Him being born in 1082 would mean that he commanded the armies of Constantinople from the crusaders at 15, lol...

Further biographical details here:


Their propositions have been:

Communism: let us destroy the Monarchy and the Church, and we will have a society without starvation

Democracy: let us destroy the White Man, and we will have a society without inequality

Our proposition is as follows:

Let us kill Democracy, and we will have a society without whores

...only...this time...we will deliver...

It is the only hill that matters on the strategic level, the hill we can get millions of young men to die and to win for us.


This is why PST and NCD explicitly ban all discussion on the matter at hand as listed on their TOS.

Their main objective is to apply social pressure for dissidents to raise their daughters to be whores. This is why they talk about "lurking" and "fitting in," why they launch coordinated griefer attacks on people who use the "block" button, and why all blocks are made public.

All because the only effective counter to ZOG is private patriarchy, which can be decentralized.


If ZOG is to survive, it is thus essential to ensure that all communities that fail to adhere to diversity (Ruby Ridge) or whoredom (Waco) are destroyed. Otherwise, Wolfenstein and Handmaid’s Tale would be seen not as realistic dystopian fiction rather as propaganda similar to that of the Soviet Union of the 70s and 80s.

The internet racist poses no existential threat to ZOG because he has no means to live his principles in real life without being instantly destroyed.


There are only two ways to kill ZOG:

First way is to establish a successful community without diversity.

Second day is to establish a successful community without whoredom.

Communism fell not because of the atrocities of Communist regimes, rather because Democratic societies made Communist ones look like shitholes by comparison. However, if Khrushchev were to have launched nuclear war against the West in the 1960s...


(B) is the wignat narrative all the fed shills are told to promote, though, given the nature of the question, an obviously false and stupid answer.

Which is why I stated on Gab that the goal of Poast is to lure dissidents with "nigger" and then apply intense social pressure to be a wignat (i.e. a retard).

Minus a few shills on Gab, the shill brigades have left me alone for the most part. They seem to have given you much more trouble.

Neofugue boosted
Scientific American calls for federal regulation of homeschool families

A leading magazine devoted to science journalism says American homeschoolers are being left behind and that their parents should be investigated and have to pass a background check in order to educate their own children at home.

The justified response to this is liquidating anyone who tries to enforce it.


Who is the greater evil?

The Jew, who killed Christ, who killed the Tsar, who butchered tens of millions in the last century, who currently are making a serious attempt to destroy Christianity and the White peoples?


The non-Jew who let him in? The non-Jew who armed him (Kerensky)? The non-Jew who invited them into power (Roosevelt)? The non-Jew who blames everything on the Jew, but not himself? The non-Jew who raises his daughter to be a whore, then blames it on the Jew?


Most of the losers on those sites are simply normies who love their democracy, their sluts, their filthy “way of life,” so to speak, but would rather have it with fewer black people and gays. In truth, however, it is their evil practices which led to our current predicament today, and the only real solution is to destroy modern society and completely rebuild it. This they cannot understand, which is why they responded so violently to our posts.


Ever notice how while the degenerates who run NCD and PST say “nigger,” “kike,” and “faggot,” they seldom if ever say “slut” or “whore?”

When doing my belated due diligence on the admins of those two sites, in particular their doxxes, I could not help but notice that while the admins would say “nigger,” “kike,” and “faggot” all the time, they would seldom if ever say anything that would show they thought of these issues on a structural level.

Neofugue boosted
Niceness isn't a Christian value. It's a McChristian value.

"In post-Christian Western society, the only value ascribed to the Christian faith is “niceness,” contrasting the example of our Lord Jesus Christ as demonstrated by the parable of the wicked husbandmen. Speaking in the temple to the high priests, scribes, and elders, Christ told them the parable: there was a Landowner who planted a vineyard with a wine press, a tower, and hedges around it, and lent it out to husbandmen. When the season of fruit drew near, He sent His servants, only for the husbandmen to beat one, kill another, and stone another. Again, He sent out more servants, only for the wicked husbandmen to do the same. At last, He sent them His only Son, but when the husbandmen saw the Son, they killed Him for His inheritance. Having told the parable, the Savior asked them, “When, therefore, the Owner of the vineyard comes, what will He do to those husbandmen?” “They say unto him, He will miserably destroy those wicked men,...

We can all guess who those wicked vinedresser husbandmen are, ((())).

"...In the parable of the wicked husbandmen, Christ tells the Jews that they are straying from the path of God, and that if they do not accept Him, the Kingdom of God will be taken from them and they will be destroyed. To be like Christ, therefore, is not to be “nice,” for to be "nice" is to be of this world. To be like Christ is to take up the Cross and follow Him, though there will be many who hateth you for it. To warn those who turn away from God to either repent or be destroyed; it is love."

More here at the link:

Well, look who’s back?

Sadly, while I am not a painter like the Austrian fellow referenced in the movie, I do appreciate the musical arts as did Heydrich and Funk.

Effortpoasts will be linked here from Gab, as word count here is limited.

Any and all griefers who post directly to my account in bad faith, or those who post in an attempt to have me defederated from Merovingian Club, will be blocked immediately and without reservation.

I look forward to posting here!

Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.