
@UncleIroh Interesting graph. I'd personally fall between the Minarchism and Paleo-Conservative/Classical Liberal line. Fire Protection should fall under the purview of local municipalities. Roads should too. Buses and subways should not, however, and education should not at all.

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@philosophy It's an endlessly fascinating graph for all the reasons you've stated - no-one can agree on the exact boundaries.

Most of our collective red lines are at Education - always has, always will. No surprise that Education is the battleground for Commies - once the State gets involved in Education it's the wedge they need into the family - divorce, CPS, abortion, higher education. The wolf's now in the door.

Energy is special, especially for Nuclear. I don't want that all being private.

@UncleIroh Nuclear should be private but regulated for safety and disposal. And the only safety parts that should be regulated are those that could cause damage to the commons. I don't care if workers don't want to wear their protective gear if I'm not paying their health insurance. But I do care about meltdowns and procedures around that should be regulated by the states.

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