
Communism is human nature.
But capitalism is nature.
Thus we can't have nice things for long

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@redmaple - I've been tinkering with the idea of "strategic offsets" to counter commie hordes in a far-flung future.

It may be that medieval knights were just such an offset... to counter commie peasant hordes. But the social strata became ossified, and then the black death and gunpowder fucked it all up. 🤔

Anywho... the question becomes: how can a sparsely populated, free society, preserve itself from neighbors with zombie hordes of commies/peasants? 🤔

@YoMomz As far as I can tell, communist ideals will arise from without or within. Just a matter of when. Just enjoy it until it lasts

@redmaple I disagree that communism is human nature, equality is only desired from people below

@AKEmon869 People at the top share their losses publicly. Think bail outs and subsidies


We really can if you just cull the right people but Noone wants to do it so

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