
Not a chance. Women's "standards" are even increasing. The ONLY baby they want to have is chads. I gave up years ago. I never had much of a chance, anyway.

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@sardonicsmile to be honest if your girl is not a virgin when you meet her you dont really have a chance anyway

@37712 Actually that has been debunked. I think Rollo talks about this. Stardusk did a video on this as well. Link below.

@sardonicsmile I am not saying that if your girl is a virgin then you will be faithful, NO, that is not what I am saying. my point is that if a girl is a virgin then the odds are better than if she was not.

@37712 I understand what you are saying. I am saying: it does not matter if she is a virgin. She will, at some point, pine for the "fun" she could have had, during her prime years. i.e. riding the CC
Casual sex with genetically Superior men is an important mating strategy for women and if you do not understand that, that only means you are NOT one of those men.

@sardonicsmile so let me see if I understand you, you say that a girl who is a virgin is just as likely to cheat on you as a girl with a body count of 100, I completly disagree, even if the body count was as low as 2, I believe that the odds are better with a virgin than with a non virgin, I do not believe that the odds are the same.

@37712 Yes. I believe they are just as likely to cheat. This is that Natural hypergamy that is part of their female Nature.
i.e. The reason women leave men who start struggling financially is because they perceived that man as a ticket to a better life and an insurance plan to begin with. He was never their first choice. And then the one thing he was good for, he no longer is. Of course she's jumping ship.

@sardonicsmile well then we are going to have to agree to desagree, I believe that virign girls are far less likely to jump ship than non virgin girls or girls who have body counts in the double digits.

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