@Pain66 "Close your heart to their desperation. Close your heart to their suffering. Do NOT allow yourself to feel for them.
They do NOT feel for you."

- Kratos

@sardonicsmile @Pain66 too bad it took her some suffering to find out the hard way, also it is not that men are taught not to show their feelings, it is that mem can see that crying and being emotional and irrational like a women does not help because society, specially women do not care about men, specially if they appear to be weak men.


@37712 @Pain66 Agreed. Her post is a necessity that has become a virtue. She does not really mean it. Fact is: women HATE bottom 80% of men. Especially the blue collar workers she is coworkers with. They are invisible to her, otherwise.

It is best we Not extend an olive branch to those who Hate us.

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