HR is staffed with women, who only want the PERFECT candidate.

Worse, I was once even rejected because I used a comparison, and was told I used the answer to "beat up on my ex." No, I didn't. And you don't even know her. It was an EXAMPLE, and we are friends. They also never asked direct questions, but rather wanted you to answer the question they were THINKING, not the question asked.

I KNEW when I walked in that I was in trouble when I saw the people who were going to be interviewing me.

@RoninGrey ALWAYS ask to clarify the question. Ask, "I'm not sure I understand your question. What *specifically* are you inquiring? Which line item on my resume can I clarify for you?
You see? It puts the ball back in their court. If they are phishing then they are called out and will ask a better question. If they press the issue you can always *answer the question you wish they would have asked*. Word your answer in such a manner that it highlights your positive skills.


@RoninGrey Remember: Interviewers are NOT experts at "interrogation" They ask the same questions every candidate. There is no elegance to their job. When they fwd you to your *actual* manager, THEN your competence will come into play. You will have to prove your competence to Him.

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