@sardonicsmile Next problem is people still living in past and do not see the changes that happened or are happening.
@Stahesh @sardonicsmile people have a normalcy bias, and most people also aren’t really passionate about large scale societal issues, economics, history or even human nature. We really do live in a shitty era, the most frustrating I would argue.
@sardonicsmile "the traditionnal romantism" never existed. Men and women exploited each other for centuries.
@sardonicsmile also women don't love men. They love what men DO for them.
@sardonicsmile Again more talk about men stoping watching porn.
But he pretty much did not say about women stoping doing OF or porn.
Why men should sexually starve themself. So that women would whore around.
If men did not have porn society would be in danger.
Because this way they have at least some way to cope.
Another problem put everything on men. But they do not see the changes everywhere
market economy
digital age
capitalism out of control