@sardonicsmile this informed vs uninformed dynamic is the basis of many interactions we have in life. When in college I was forced to take marketing. I later realized this was a valuable course because it taught me about my enemies, informing me about their manipulation techniques. I also took psychology. The uninformed are easier victims for scammers because they give people the benefit of the doubt. It's also how marxists wormed their way into society by masquerading their ideology.


@ButtWorldsMan aside: you *had* to take a marketing course...? All I understand marketing to be us to give people a "solution" to a manufactured need/problem in their lives, depending on their income level. i.e. luxury vehicles. *You are ONLY someone important if you have this badge on your vehicle*

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@sardonicsmile simply put, you choose which degree you want. You are given the path to the degree via classes and credits. Some were optional. Marketing wasn't. In order to graduate I needed credits in a marketing course.

@ButtWorldsMan Yes. My Dude. I understand how the post secondary education system works. lol

>aside: you *had* to take a marketing course...?

Shouldn't have asked the question then.

@ButtWorldsMan you were "forced" to take a marketing course"

Don't play this game. Write what you mean.
Don't 'mean' what you write.

>you: what do you mean
>me: answers question by laying out the process
>you: lol I knew that already lmao

Why are you like this?

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