Car guys please chime in:

I spilled some water in my car and both of my front carpets got wet.

I tried using baking soda to dry up the carpet but it only worked on one side.

How is it possible that one side is dry from the baking soda and then another side is still wet?And the side that's more wet is the one I put the most bacon soda on? I'm so confused

How do I dry up my wet car carpet?


@basedbagel What is the logic for using baking soda to dry the carpet?
Just air it out. It is just water.

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Don't laugh at me but I saw online in a YouTube video that the baking soda was supposed to suck up the water and serve as a deodorizer so I don't get mold.

It worked on one side of the car but not on the other side of the car which made me really confused

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