@sardonicsmile he has a fundamentally misunderstood view of what attracts women game is just the fundamentals of female nature and how to "game" that instinct and perform an end run around her hypergamous filter which is why it's called game or the dance or something else equally unrelated we use terms like player and game to distant ourselves to allow us to face rejection from women because if we were to treat it on its face she is rejecting us everything we worked on everything we are 1/2


@VooDooMedic Well, I think he is right. You can do an "end-run" around a female's hypergamy but after that, there must be substance. Otherwise you Have to continue the scharade, indefinitely. That is tiresome and unsustainable. Women preselect us in milliseconds based on genetic cues. Genuine attraction/desire is Not a choice; cannot be faked. I agree with TFM, in that "Game" is just the "war paint".

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