
I think building more prisons would save more money than letting people out of prison who will cause economic damage

And I do not support the government giving the death penalty because they make too many "mistakes" where the person was found to be innocent after they die plus the government can use the death penalty to target political opponents like holocaust deniers if it is run by Ashkenazi "Jews"

Agreed governments can't be trusted with the death penalty.

If we've gotten to the point where prison is the only answer for whole populations though, then maybe segregation is a better answer.

@Eiregoat @sardonicsmile

I support a larger number of geographically smaller sized governments if you call them governments

So people can choose the kind of government they want to live in

Some with racial segregation and some without racial segregation

They would have the right to keep people out but not the right to keep people in unless they committed a crime like murder

People born there would have the opportunity to leave at a certain age if they do not like the local rules

Agreed, competition is the right way forward.

@Eiregoat @sardonicsmile

Attackthesystem dot com

with Keith Preston has been promoting sonething like this for a long time

He basically has a media outlet on his website for anyone who opposes the status quo whether they would be labelled as left wing or right wing or something else


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