@sardonicsmile our third place has been infiltrated by feminist,Negros,and single moms

@Scubbie @sardonicsmile You can always play tablegames or card Games with your friends I don't know what he is talking about we Have a thrird place the thing is diferent this generation don't drinks much alcohol so bars are dying

@VeganMGTOW @sardonicsmile I tried that the DMs wife wants to play and control the game the simps bring their girlfriends to play and all the silly fat girls dumb the game down, because they want to have a pet and can’t follow the plot

@Scubbie @sardonicsmile Well My friends are marry or with girlfriend the wife stay upstairs with the kids and girlfriends arent allow to play they can watch their Neflixx with the wife of the dude house we play in his basement so I don't understand how the girlfriends end UP playing but to be fair we play 5 people limit games so the girlfriends can't play cause there isn't more room in the game

@VeganMGTOW @Scubbie
Yes we have a 3rd place.
Nevertheless, it is still compromised and infiltrated. Females and the government are ALWAYS looking over out shoulder to tone police and censor.

I think the first time I heard "Third Place" was in the book Army of Davids by Glenn Reynolds. But he used it to refer to coffee shops and places where you could take a laptop and work. He had an overly optimistic idea the technology would let a lot more people achieve great things with more humble means, way back in the earlier days of the Internet before the whole influencer/youboob/corporate-censorship era ... and I also don't think he really understood how difficult it was to make things even with the right technology.

But I guess both of them are using the term in a similar way; a social (or work) place away from everything else. I remember how the only way I made it through grad school was going straight from work to a coffee shop that had beer (I didn't drink coffee back then) and I'd work for 2~3 hours on my thesis every day until I ran out of battery.

I did get into some really interesting conversations and meet some cool people at that coffee shop. ☕ :ablobcatcoffee:

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