@sardonicsmile Amusing how she's using the division argument and artificial reasoning to justify men to marry her up.

> Wahman: "You're letting the govt win by not marrying me and refusing to have children."

Ultimate gaslight of the century by appearing concerned by wanting the things that are outside of her financial reach. She already confessed this at the start before she made noises with her mouth.

Too late - enjoy the decline roastie.

@sardonicsmile women need to go back to the kitchen and stay out of politics, their squirrel brains will never understand, the only thing women understand is give me free stuff and I will vote for you. Take womens rights away, all of them.

@37712 @sardonicsmile Spot on
Yet the majority of
((( Christian Nationalists )))

Dont have the balls to be honest and advocate for this change/restoration of society
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