
Like TFM has always asserted:
When the pain of inaction exceeds the pain of inaction, ONLY then, there will be meaningful changes.

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@sardonicsmile It all needs to fail

Bread n cirus
Grid power
Grid Water
Mobile phone
for at least 6-12 months

Forced situation for the mass's

@charliebrownau @sardonicsmile It's coming. Just keep list of grudges safe, when it happens every man will get back their ability to set things right.


Do you understand that it is not a nice thing to file for bankruptcy?

I understand that

She could have filed for bankruptcy also

@shortstories All females take delight in the plight and misfortune of men. They want to be instrumental in our suffering.

@sardonicsmile Men will work out
its cheaper to kill her
then pay her for state mandated shit

Courts are illegal operating starchamber courts
which are actually banks
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