Some Black person told me the reason black people burn down stores in black neighborhoods is because black people are not allowed to own stores in their neighborhood & the stores they burn down are owned by Indians

He said they burn the stores because the owners are not black

He said that is why black people burning down stores in their neigborhood is not the cause of a lack of affordable grocery stores that are not liquour stores nor bars nor restaurants nor gas stations in their neighborhood

@shortstories Niggers are not capable of understanding the consequences of their actions.


@Monsignor_DickFace @RegalBeagle @shortstories I do believe Blacks despise Any ethnicity Not their own. Moreover, they loot and destroy because they can do it with no fear of consequences and it gets them what they want; even if only in the short/mid run. Blacks do own business but prefer barber shops and salons. They want these types of businesses because it is congruent with Black Culture. Vital businesses that make up an economy require intelligence, plans, capital, and accountability

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