Batman Theme | The Batman (Michael Giacchino)
Empire of Shadows: True Story of the Richest Family in History
What was loved by poor people till rich people ruined it #reddit #poor
The Montana License Plate Scam - Lehto's Law Ep. 5.16
@37712 You are the one who responded to my post; not the other way around.
Get back on your medication and your public school education.
You sound triggered. If you do do not like the post or have a counter argument then let's hear it.
Wherever I hear "Only a real man does, says, thinks..." I am sure I am talking to a vaccinated, bluepill or a feminist. Someone projecting their own insecurities onto others.
Keep your mouth shut and appear stupid instead of opening it removing all doubt.
Wife's attack Dog goes Too Far (but we can't blame her - lol) @Indisputa...
@37712 Sounds like you went to public school.
The TerraMar Project was a self-described environmental nonprofit organization. It was founded in 2012 in the United States by convicted sex offender Ghislaine Maxwell.[1][2] A sister organisation in the United Kingdom was incorporated in 2013.[3] TerraMar (U.S.) announced its closure on 12 July 2019.
Terra - Earth
Mars is on earth
COVID 19 coincidentally was declared to have started the same year that Terra Mars was allegedly shut down
Epstein virus
Milton Friedman - The Folly of Price Controls
This is the most *American* response, actually.
He Is Tired Of All The Racist. #movie #series
@TenaciousGoat To an extent. Ongoing pain and suffering is an indication you are not competent or competitive in the marketplace of ideas or productivity.
@VeganMGTOW Yes. Prenuptial Agreements are not worth the ink used.
Marriage is NOT an achievement, for a Man.
I spent all this time trying to be one of you and now I realize... I'm not.