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@37712 We do not walk away because we want to teach them a lesson.
We walk away because we have learned ours.

@ButtWorldsMan Looks like a grassroots movement, though...
Note: The caption claims they are MS-13. They are Definitely NOT MS-13.

Hohol POW executed for refusing to follow Russian orders. He tried to attract nearby (((nazis))) to rescue him and this happened.  

Of course abortion isn't the top issue for suburan women: they know beta males will pay to maintain their lifestyles. Ergo, abortion is their number one issue becuase kids will cramp their style the most

Apparently Chicago street gangs are retaliating against Venezuelan illegal street gangs.

@GinNig Well, I do not have a problem with racism. Skin color is just a short cut and the weakest medium to establish values.
What matters is the Values, Tradition, and Culture.
When they run protective cover for criminals based on politics and skin color, is the problem. Also when the behavior of certain ethnic groups is used as political cover.
The whole "soft on crime" approach is the problem.

@AngryWraith Gangs. With qualified immunity and power of arrest.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.