American Truck-Stop Kitchen:
World's Largest Truck Stop! - Big Kitchens - Food Documentary
@shortstories Rhey already compete fornthentopn20% of men openly. Bottom 80% of men are invisible to them.
Selling Out to Women is what ''MRAs'' do Best @BadgerLiveStreams
@37712 The Strongest form of Power and/or disapproval is your lack of acknowledgement.
This is manifest by your Silence.
@Justicar Who wants to move to China? China is the enemy of the world when it comes to free markets and Freedom.
@VeganMGTOW I agree with that insofar as that bovine growth hormones are used in beef cattle and dairy cows.
Otherwise, meat provides vital protein
I spent all this time trying to be one of you and now I realize... I'm not.