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The founding Fathers, started a revolution cuz, did they did not wanted to pay more on shit they already paid.

and here we are, paying 4x for a used car, and paying 2x in interest on loans... and funny thing is, you always meet hard times when you paid off the car and left with the interest.

Just thinking: The hardest period/test for a man is in his 20's.
The pull for pussy is highest but is ability to leverage for it is weakest. A lot of dumb shit happens here.
If you can escape from them with no kids, no wife, no charges, and no debt, then you are in a good position to be set, for Life.

The result of Red Flag Laws.
His family basically "swatted" him.
When men are struggling; no one wants to help us.
I hope he recovers.
Glad he took down 3 of them.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.