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Not a fan of Shapiro or Falwell bit interesting exchange.
What is the purpose of this? Why is Shapiro there? So many questions...

Ben Shapiro Takes A Stand, Goes SCORCHED EARTH In EPIC Takedown

Can't take credit for finding this. Though I did check to see that it was a recent post, and it was (2 days ago).

Is this just a shill post attempting to get others to go over and fight for Ukraine, or a genuine idiot who would actually throw his life away because he is stupid enough to believe the globohomo media that he would be "fighting for democracy?"

Could go either way, but it reflects a sad mindset either way.

Just thinking: A gun is only useful if you can draw it in it in stressful situation.
Make sure to pull with a quick and sudden jerk.
Wear your belt taut. If your belt is too loose, then it can make it difficult to draw your weapon. A right and proper heavy-duty gun belt goes without saying.

"Yes, Putin initiated the war in Ukraine, but there are many in the foreign policy world here and in Europe who believed that he might not have done so had the White House earlier authorized Blinken to assure Putin that Ukraine would not become a member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization."

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.