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Funeral homes in Norway sound the alarm as they struggle to store all the dead vaccinated people.

I kneel….this man is a once in 100-year genius in the realm of misogyny

Like, I hate whores and all, too, but this is beyond the pale even for me for the vast majority of them. Only a select few would even begin to merit this treatment.

But hey, let’s keep advertising camgirling to kids in high school as if it’s the quick and easy way to gain celebrity and admiration from strangers!

Making everyone economically equal while having a prosperous society is impossible.

Americans scream anyone who loves war, debt, and tyranny is normal and anyone who loves peace, balanced budgets, and freedom is a nutjob.

>It's another "No bro every woman has fucked at least 5 other guys before they met you so if you wanna save the white race and have a family you need to settle for a whore" thread

Twitter bombshell just dropped. Thread is incredibly fucking long. So I’m just going to drop the link here for anyone interested to have a look. @Tfmonkey tl;dr government specifically the DNC was pressuring twitter to ban people & control narrative. I know that was very shocking. Nobody could’ve possibly seen it coming. But it’s honestly good all the evidence & receipts are out in the open. No that it’ll change anything. But at least we know we’re not crazy.

The secret to life is to stop expecting stupid people to stop being stupid and to just love them anyway in all of their stupidity.

The world is one big short bus of mouth breathing window licking retards, and you're stuck with them whether you like it or not.

An in-depth podcast about the science of meditation and techniques without all the religious and philosophical stuff, so it's useful to everyone regardless of beliefs.

Some people think I'm anti-abortion. I'm not.

I'm all about murdering parasitic people who threaten my lifestyle, and selling their organs and body parts to make cosmetics. That's just the free market working it's magic.

I watched this video on "flow state" that YouTube recommended out of nowhere and it clicked with me. It even goes into the connection between "flow" (wu wei) and purpose and freedom. definitely worth your time.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.