How come so many people on here doubt certain claims about the holocaust and Jewish goodness taught by the system

But so few talk about this offline

What percent of the general public is in the know?

Should people be talking to people offline about this?

Does it do any good to mention it on this platform if people here already know vs mainstream platforms where info is shut down?

Racial Hatred is bad but the Jewish religion teaches to enslave or exterminate everyone who is not Jewish.

@shortstories - I don't talk about such things offline, because there's really no point to it, and it would be a waste of my breath.

As far as Judaism teaching the enslavement or extermination of anyone who isn't Jewish... 🤔 If that's true, then they're not very good at it. I admit, it could be true, for all I know. I've never looked into it.

But I plan to adopt a similar attitude someday. I'm not inspired by Jews, but by Muslims. They're good at that. 😂



Jews do not follow the old testament

They follow other religious scriptures

Here is some of their teachings to hate gentiles

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