
U.S. Constitution

People have 1st amendment right to beg for money on government public property without violent enforcement of pan handling laws

People have 1st amendment right to mock beggars

Tell them you can apply for food stamps or disability or get a job and you know they do not need any more money

We need to get more people publicly mocking fake people who pretend to be poor to their face

If they get free stuff

Problem 1st person to do it is called a jerk

Someone has to start it

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@shortstories i’ll pick up homeless people who need a ride sometimes interesting conversations do you know one dude told me the reason why he lives on the streets cause he had to burn some motherfuckers trailer down with him in cause he was fucking his old lady and robbed him. Sometimes people need a ride man


If they really need help and are not faking poverty that is different

Someone with such a severe disability he said he was born with was begging me for money

He said he plans to get around to applying for disability some day but did not

Would guess he was at least 30 years old

Had more than 10 years to apply as an adult plus and just did not get around to it

Bought things for him then realized I was enabling him to procrastinate the application by helping

Helping him harmed him

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