

Here is my final solution to the "Jewish" problem

Force everyone to learn Hebrew, Aramaic and Arabic & to read the "Jewish" religious texts

Make everyone memorize the parts that promote bigotry against non "Jews"

Teach everyone the history of the bad things "Jews" did

Teach everyone the methods "Jews" use to unethically influence people's behaviors, attitudes and thoughts or how Jews use brain washing and mind control

No initiation of violence against "Jews" is required

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@shortstories - I'm not learning new languages. 🫡😅🍻


But they will say the English translation of something meaning like "kill or enslave all goyim" is totally wrong

and if you read it in the original language it would say, "treat all goyim kindly, mercifully, and benevolently"

They can make posters with both Hebrew and English words on it pretending to be a translation

In Hebrew saying "We will give the goyim poisoned ice cream do not eat it if you are Jewish"

But in English saying, "Free Ice cream."

It doesn't matter. By the end of that history course no one will trust them, and all it takes is a quick trip to the dictionary to confirm they're lying. Memes about the fake ice cream posters would spread like wildfire on social media and it would only make people hate them more.

By contrast, requiring everyone to learn hebrew and yiddish would help spread and normalise their culture to an inappropriate level. Plus, even if we stick purely to the english language jewish publications it's easy to prove they're untrustworthy and genocidal.

@Eiregoat @YoMomz

We would need someone to translate the poster at least some people learning Hebrew to keep them from communicating in a secret language even if not everyone learning it

Oh sure. There can be a semetic studies department in the university where academics study jews jewing and write books about the shit they pulled.

@Eiregoat @YoMomz

There should be a Jewish studies department but it must be a department that includes teaching about atrocities "Jews" committed as the primary purpose instead of glorifying, praising and worshiping "Jews" and calling them victims

It should teach Jewish language, culture, religion and philosophy while explaining how those things influence them to commit atrocities and how their culture is designed to persuade other people to commit atrocities

It should explain brainwashing

This pretty much described Irish history education except against the brits. We're inundated with brit atrocity programming, it should be warning us about the jews.
Remember that whole Oliver Cromwell committed regicide so that the jews could bring their money back into England? Pepperidge Farms remembers.

@Humpleupagus @scarlet @Eiregoat

Do you have a link to that Oliver Cromwell regicide plus Jew money thing with some quotations?

"Cromwell saw that the return of the Jews would bring great financial benefits to England. In 1656 Cromwell made a verbal promise, backed by the Council of State, to allow Jews to return to Britain and practise their faith freely. As a result, Jews from Holland, Spain and Portugal came to Britain.",and%20Portugal%20came%20to%20Britain.
> to allow jews to return to Britain and practise their faith freely

This is the guy who wouldn't even let other english christians practice their faith. He tried to ban christmas for being too pagan.
My theory is that they wanted a republic because of what happened to the templars in France. They saw republics as being less risky for their goals. They kind of failed in England at first, but eventually succeeded when they got the bank and managed to keep Ann chronically poisoned and killed all her heirs before or shortly after birth.

They used that to install a foreign king / house that conspired with a bunch of masons, an organization that was dominated by jews, to setup a republic in North America. It didn't happen overnight, and not even under George I, but it was a long con and planned.
With republics it's easier to muddy the waters to get what you want. If the president stops behaving he can be replaced without a war. Even if he can't be all kinds of legal principles and constitutional protections can be invented to claim he doesn't have the power to oppose jewish policy.
Yeah. You don't get a king with full martial power who can get a hair up his ass after he "borrows" all of their money.

That was an excellent move btw.
You cannot serve God and mammon. Serving God would have been to kill these fucking parasites. Instead he wanted money.
Yes. Needless to say jewish involvement in that particular coup was not on the curriculum. Nor was jewish bankrolling of Richard Strongbow's invasion of Ireland.
I know you're trying to get a rise out of me but there's a very good chance that ethnic cleansing was intended to create a new israel in europe. The jews had their eyes on Ireland for a very long time.
@Eiregoat @scarlet @Humpleupagus @shortstories guilty as charged :troll_face:

I mean modern day i can believe that. I just think Cromwell did what a lot of people did back then and took the jew gold but this time no one ever kicked them out again.
@matty I would like to request the looting of pat_potato and thinking_eggplant for our glorious emoji hoard.

Ahh perfect expression for those confused boners :thinking_eggplant:

im stealing the fuck out of that. good day gents
If they wanted to keep their cattle they shouldn't have made the barn so flammable.
@Eiregoat @scarlet @Humpleupagus @shortstories @Alex_Fog And if you weren't to busy stealing and growing potatoes we wouldnt be having any trouble now what so ever.
hey now that weres a series of unrelated incidents.

@Alex_Fog @scarlet @Humpleupagus @Eiregoat @Jean_Philippe_Micheaux

I hope you copy the plan I posted for educating people about Jewish atrocities and spread the idea around

@Humpleupagus @Eiregoat @scarlet @shortstories Cromwell comitted regicide because Charles Stuart the Man of Blood had lost 2 civiI wars in 7 years and even in honourable captivity he was conspiring with the French to stage a foreign invasion against the people of England. For context, England is said to have lost a third of it's population as a result of the 1640s conflicts.

The thing with the jewish merchant appealing to return to Britain was 9 years after the Royal Beheading while Cromwell was approaching his own death.

In 1649, soon after the execution of Charles I, Cromwell wrote to a fellow cavalry officer, Robert Hammond: “I have waited for the day to see union and right understanding between the godly people.” Cromwell then listed those who came under this banner: “Scots, English, Jews, Gentiles, Presbyterians, Independents, Anabaptists, and all.” It is a capacious list, at least by the standards of mid-17th-century Europe, then emerging from the sectarian slaughter of the Thirty Years’ War.'s-unlikely-partnership-with-a-jew-1qGiQ3Ovr3lA6A9Ic17ARU
@Humpleupagus @scarlet @shortstories @Eiregoat When jewish writers writing for a jewish audience title their piece "the stranga tale of an unlikely partnership..." your spidey sense should be tingling, Humps
Yes, but do you think that's something he only came up with at the very end?
@Eiregoat @scarlet @Humpleupagus @shortstories I don't know. At that time the commonwealth was looking shaky and would barely survive a year past Oliver's death. He was undoubtedly looking for allies and economic advantages.
The Enemy Within at that point was the Catholic minority rather than the jew with them having been absent from Britain or engaged is deeeeep crypsis for a few centuries. Realpolitik considerations were aimed in the direction of the threat of Catholic France using Catholic Ireland as a recruitment base and launchpad to a potential reconquista.
It's not how the Irish interpret the events of those years but on the chessboard of nations at the time that's the justification.


A lot of people don't know that "Clockwork Orange" refers to a human who obeys the laws. A soulless machine in organic skin. Anthony Burgess was a hardcore commie who despised laws and had the idea for the book after he went on a vacation with his wife and she was gang raped by thugs while he was forced to watch. He opposed the idea of punishing crime. He thought humans should be allowed to live according to whatever instincts they have.


If you are not going to punish crime

Then you are not going to punish people who punish crime?

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