The final solution is not violent but does not exclude the possibility of the defensive use of force

Now that I posted the final solution which is education about atrocities committed by "Jews"

I am going to try to accomplish some goals so I might not log on here again until I accomplish certain things

non violent goals to improve my life situation and living conditions


If we end diversity, no one needs to die and the problem is solved.

@amerika @shortstories

won't work. violence always has to be the backstop.

their slow-kill method is to seek out envy, resentment, lust and greed in individuals and populations and then exploit those with their subversive academic theories and philosophies in every institution.

at the sharp end, they have made an artform out of kompromat, blackmail, bribery and plausibly deniable assassination to control all the levers of power.

and they have learned how to keep a grudge for centuries.

@UncleIroh @amerika

If "Jews" use violence or unduly influence people to use violence then defensive force can be used against those specific "Jews"

Undue influence could include intentionally using fraud to deceive someone into taking a violent action they would not otherwise take

If Tobias tries to shoot Kenny who did nothing worthy of being shot

And Bob shoots Tobias to save Kenny's life

Then Tobias used violence but Bob used defensive Force

Got to do do things

Going to log out

@shortstories @UncleIroh

You are fighting participants in a broken system.

Fix the system instead IMHO.


@amerika @UncleIroh

The system is created by people who do things

There is no system that works well when the people believe certain false things to be true and or certain true things to be false

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@shortstories @UncleIroh

Fixing these false beliefs is the first step then.

@amerika @UncleIroh

You need to do three things together and none of them well work unless all three are accomplished together

1 Fix the wrong beliefs in a large enough percent of the population
2 Ensure that group is sufficiently trained and armed
3 Ensure that group has economic self sufficiency so hostile people can not simply starve them out

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