Just thought of something with the whole Indians supporting Israel posts. I don't think most Indians are fans of Jews or Israel, but they really don't like Muslims due to Pakistan being their enemy. So by proxy, they support whoever is on the other team.

Could be wrong, but otherwise I would expect them to be ambivalent about it.


It is an illusion

There are a large number of Indians

So the same percent of people having a certain position will have a larger number of posts

The anti Israel posts get censored

@shortstories Did not think of that, but I could see how that could happen. Though I still doubt most of them truly care about the fate of Israel and would not care if it ceased to exist.



The United States had an official estimated resident population of 333,287,557 on July 1, 2022, according to the U.S. Census Bureau


India has overtaken China in having the largest population in the world with population of 1,425,775,850 at the end of April 2023


I would expect 4 times as many comments from India as from the United States

If 999 out of 1000 Indians do not care

then more than 1 million Indians care

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